Transport for medical appointments, shopping, or visits in Kawerau. We may be able to help with trips to Whakatane or further afield with advanced notice.
Help with small garden tasks like pruning roses or trimming shrubs.
Small repairs and maintenance in and around the home e.g. stack firewood, fix cupboard doors, assemble flatpack furniture.
Pick up prescriptions or groceries.
Feed or walk pets, pick up mail.
Help with downsizing, cleaning up, sewing, moving furniture, hanging curtains.
Help to work on computers, phones or the internet.
Help to navigate services such as IRD or WINZ.
Companionship and welfare.
Administration assistance.
There are many other tasks we help with - please get in touch if you are unsure about whether we can assist.
We also offer:
Monthly member meetings with guest speakers.
Outings and events e.g. Xmas lunch, Soup & Song lunch, Christmas lights tour.
Monthly newsletter with up to date information.
Connections to other community groups.
Strong local knowledge of services and groups.